Vision of Danger
The party is asked to scout out an abandoned farmhouse after they arrive at a town under attack by supernatural forces. A short adventure for 1st level Player Characters.
Background: The characters arrive at the frontier town of Willowdale, after being hired to act as wagon guards for 1sp per day. They also earn an extra 5gp for each combat encounter the party successfully negotiates. Their employer is the rotund merchant Jarvis Fogglecoop. Jarvis wears elaborate dark red leather armour with black trimmings, a long sword at his side. He has a thick red moustache and a mass of thick red hair hidden under a pointed leather hat. He is delivering 160 iron ingots (that weigh 8lbs each) to the local blacksmith.
Attack from the Sky
After an uneventful journey the characters and Jarvis, who acts as the driver of the ox-drawn wagon, arrive at the walled frontier town of Willowdale. The settlement is situated on a prairie that is hemmed in by distant hills to the East and a narrow river to the West. The PCs cross this river via a sturdy wooden bridge that is wide enough to take wagons.
Militia Gate Guards (5), with spears, shields, steel helms, and wearing leather armour, tell the characters and merchant that the town is at war with Orcs who are known to inhabit the nearby hills. Almost all of the warriors from the surrounding areas have gone forth after a series of unnatural events blighted the town. They name the events as being a killer fog, a whirlwind that flattened a number of town buildings, a midnight attack by a large zombified bear, and the poisoning of all the town's horses.
After the guards finish their tale the party enters the town. Inside the PCs see that some of the townhouses in the small settlement have been flattened. Arriving near the blacksmith's shop Jarvis (the rotund merchant) pays the characters their share for the 5 day journey, a whole 5 silvers each.
He smiles and says they can earn the same amount on the return journey and reminds the characters that "the pay is greater on the more dangerous routes." No sooner has he said this than a large hawk with an oversized beak and claws drops upon him from the sky. Dozens more hawks drop down and viciously attack people throughout the town.
Blood Hawks (48)
AC: 7 HD: 1+1 hp: 7 THACO: 19 Attacks: 3 Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d6 (Claws, Bite) Size: 4' Mv: 1, Fl 24 Alignment: N xp: 120
Tactics: To determine if a PC is attacked roll 1d8. A roll of 1-5 means no attack, a roll of 6-8 results in a Blood Hawk attack upon a Player Character. This attack lasts 4 rounds at which point any undamaged Blood Hawks fly off. Characters can go to the assistance of others being attacked but risk wounding their comrades (20% chance) unless a credible non-damage causing strategy is employed. Town militia can be seen fighting off the killer birds on high points of the wall and inside the town. Any Blood Hawk that receives four or more points of damage flies off.
Jarvis Fogglecoop 0-level Human
AC: 8 HD: 1+4 (fat) hp: 11 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d8 (Longsword) Mv: 9 Size: M (6') Alignment: N(G) xp: 25
*Equipment: Longsword in hard lacquered sheath, Red Leather Armour with black trimming, small brass key, money pouch with 15sp/20gp/6pp remaining.
*Oxen (2) and Wagon (cart). Hidden underneath the driver's bench is a locked box with 200sp/50gp/45pp and 6 gems worth 100gp each.
Jarvis is surprised in the first attack where the Blood Hawk gets a full round of actions with a +2 hit bonus. If he is still alive after this surprise attack, initiative can be rolled, for himself and the party.
Note: If Jarvis the Merchant survives the Blood Hawk attack due to the intervention of the PCs he promises to pay them double the rate on the return journey (2sp) and tips them one platinum piece each.
After the battle the PCs see fallen townsfolk and avian attackers lying among the buildings. A bald headed dark skinned warrior in silver Plate Mail rushes to the wounded and heals those that have not yet succumbed to their wounds. Eventually a large grey bearded man dressed in bronze Plate Mail, flanked by two body guards wearing grey Full Plate armour, appears. He approaches the characters.
"I am Lord Sumpter, you seem able bodied, and as you can see, we have need of warriors ... will you serve the garrison until our expeditionary forces return?" He adds, "We are critically short of defenders. My knights are away. They battle against orcs occupying the nearby hills. My hope is that the orcs will be defeated along with the wizard or shaman responsible for these unnatural events."
A Vision of Danger
If the PCs agree to join the garrison Lord Sumpter says he will pay them at the rate of two silver pieces per day. Whether the party joins or not, Sumpter then requests they perform a dangerous task in defence of the town. It is something too dangerous for militia to carry out, but a task that would be foolish for himself to engage in. It is simply to scout out an abandoned farmhouse. If necessary he can offer to pay the characters if they have not joined his garrison, but not more than a few gold pieces each, so that he can learn more about a potential threat.
The dark skinned healer, seen earlier, then approaches and Lord Sumpter introduces him. "This is Patriarch Moochacha" who responds by saying, "I am". Moochacha continues, "I've seen danger. A vision of danger. A sense that there is something amiss at an abandoned farmhouse to the North East of here. It is near a grove of three very tall poplar trees. The journey is not far, only a half day, but none of us can abandon our positions in the town. Will you go forth and spy upon this building and discover what troubles me? Return as soon as you find out. Avoid trouble. Be exceedingly cautious."
If the PCs agree, Lord Sumpter explains that they will have to go on foot since the all the town's horses have been killed (poisoned). He says that when they near the abandoned farm house, they should take cover in the undergrowth, in the long grass that has taken over the fields there.
If the characters ask why Lord Sumpter is not battling the orcs himself he explains that someone of strength is needed to defend the town and that he has extreme confidence in those doing battle out in the wilderness. His forces include some powerful allies - a Ranger and Wizard - that accompany his knights, various men-at-arms and a number of (lower level) clerics.
Journey to the Farm House
After being billeted overnight with the town's soldiers and militia, the characters wake the next day and set off on their half day journey.
Close to the town are many agricultural fields worked by farming families growing all manner of vegetable and grain crops. The party passes numerous farm houses bounded by wooden and brush fences that keep in livestock. Animals such as goats, pigs, chickens and a few dogs can be seen.
As the characters travel further they find themselves walking through unattended fields filled with tall dry thigh-high grass interspaced with various groves of trees. They pass a few abandoned buildings that had been given up as the area became more dangerous due to the presence of Orcs.
After a half day's journey along a narrow overgrown pathway the PCs come to the location of the abandoned farm. A short distance away they see three tall poplar trees that make up a small grove and sight a small stone building, with a collapsed roof, about 300 yards beyond. Although there is a doorway, no door can be seen. There is one small window hole in the wall (and another on the other side). The tall grass extends right up the building and a wooden fence surrounds the dwelling at a 50 foot distance. There's a gap where a pathway presumably intersects the fence. There is no sign of occupation.
For the DM: Sitting in the grass on either side of the gap in the fence are five Goblins. Three have square wooden shields and short swords while two are armed with short bows. If the Goblins stand up their shoulders, and part of their upper chests can be seen along with their helmeted heads. The Goblins have purple coloured skin and wear leather armour. They listen for the approach of intruders rather than watch. They can vaguely see people coming along the path when they come within 20 feet. Noisy PCs walking into this range are immediately hit by missile fire from the archers. The sound of combat alerts the other monsters hiding in the farm house. The building dimensions are 15x35 feet, that form a single room. There is a doorway and two windowless windows along its length.
Goblins (5)
AC: 6 HD: 1-1 hp: 5 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 Size: S (4') Mv: 6 Alignment: LE xp: 15
*Infravision 60 feet.
*Penalty of -1 to hit in daylight.
Equipment: Short Swords (5), knives (5), Leather Armour, metal Round Helms, Short Bows 2, Arrows (24 total), waterskins (5), 29cp total.
Tactics: The goblins here swap shifts with those inside the building every 4 or 5 hours. One goblin will appear in the doorway and clap his hands three times whereupon the goblins on guard all stand up while the other shift takes its place. This event occurs one hour after the PCs arrive at the nearby grove of trees. If players wait another 3 hours after the changing of guards two orc scouts arrive at their location (see The Return Journey for details) and either initiate combat with missile fire or circle around the PC's location to warn their comrades.
The DM should notify players that if they wish to sneak up to the farmhouse, or the goblins (that are seen after one hour), they can crawl in the long grass. It takes 30 minutes to crawl 300 yards. PCs wearing metal armour and carrying shields and weapons have an intermittent noise radius of more than 20 yards that alerts the goblins hiding near the fence line gap. PCs wearing leather may sneak successfully in these outdoor conditions without alerting the goblins. If attempting a backstab one move silently check with a +40% bonus should be made or the goblin turns (a surprise check should still be rolled for the monster).
Inside the farmhouse is a second watch of goblins and their orcish leader. If the fighting goes poorly the orc uses the Flying Potion to escape. There are eleven satchels with iron rations placed along one wall.
Goblins (5)
AC: 6 HD: 1-1 hp: 5 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 Size: S (4') Mv: 6 Alignment: LE xp: 15
*Infravision 60 feet.
*Penalty of -1 to hit in daylight.
Equipment: Short Swords (5), knives (5), Leather Armour, metal Round Helms, Short Bows 2, Arrows (24 total), waterskins (5), 34cp/2sp total.
Orc Sergeant
AC: 8 HD 2 hp: 15 THACO: 18 (Str17) Attacks: 1 (Sword) Damage: 1d6+2 (Str17) Size: M (5'11) MV: 9 xp: 65
*Infravision 60 feet.
*Penalty of -1 to hit in daylight.
Equipment: Falchion Sword (1d6+1), Leather Armour, knife, waterskin, 12cp/2sp.
Treasure: (Witches') Flying Potion with 4 doses.
If captured the monsters here can reveal that they've been sent by their chieftain, to spy on the town (for a period of one week). Charmed characters can reveal there are two orcs acting as forward scouts near Willowdale. Their tribe is known as the Blood Red Hand and their leader is known as Chief Corkus. The tribe knows that their chief is in league with a witch but none have seen her.
The Return Journey
Early in the return journey along the overgrown pathway the PCs (unexpectedly) encounter two grass covered figures walking their way. When in range the orcs fire their bows.
Orc Scouts (2)
AC: 8 HD 1 hp: 6 THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 (Sword) Damage: 1d6+1 Size: M MV: 9 xp: 35
*Infravision 60 feet.
*Penalty of -1 to hit in daylight.
Equipment: Falchion Sword (1d6+1), Short Bow, Arrows (8), Leather Armour, satchel with iron rations, waterskins, 19cp/1sp total.
They are covered with grasses and are returning from closely observing the town and its reaction to the latest (Blood Hawk) attack. In battle they fire their arrows first before closing in.
When the characters return they should report their findings to Lord Sumpter. The Lord thanks them for their deed. He has one of his retainers pay the party for their day's work - which comes to 2sp as promised (or more). If Jarvis the Merchant still lives he offers to match the Lord's pay for the return journey to Knight's Bridge Keep, from whence they came.
Success in this short adventure grants each character 150xp on top of that earned in combat.
A witch named Zirella is the cause of the supernatural events. She is 9th level and can cast 1st-5th level Wizard spells 4/3/3/2/1 (+cantrips) and Druid Spells 3/2/-/1 (Animal Summoning I). Her motive here is revenge upon the townsfolk for shunning her as a (demon worshipping) heretic. This occurred at a time before Lord Sumpter took control of the settlement. After she was banished, Zirella engaged in all manner of destructive adventures and has only recently returned to the region.
The eventual outcome of this fight is that the Blood Red Hand orcs are routed in a battle near their settlement. Their leader Corkus is slain and the survivors flee, moving the entire tribe hundreds of miles eastward into more mountainous terrain - into cave systems they can exploit. Zirella abandons her attacks when confronted by the wizard, who almost kills her. She flees southwards and does not return.
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