Dungeon Adventure

The Merchant's Guild is offering 200 gold pieces, plus two magical scrolls, to any group willing to investigate and then clear the Dungeon under a ruined castle that is one day's journey from the walled town of Bolivar. This adventure is designed for a large group of 2nd level characters or a smaller group of 3rd level.


Recently 'lizard men' were seen in the area of the castle ruins prompting a call to action. The PCs should be told the rumour that a more experienced group of mercenaries already rejected the Merchant's offer after discovering a map of the dungeon revealing it comprises of only three small rooms (Rooms 13, 15 and 16). The characters are told by a scribe, Fakrim (0-level human), who is acting on behalf of the Guild, that this is a perfect opportunity for their band to hone their skills. If asked about the magical scrolls the scribe tells the party that the Merchants possess a number of them and that they will be able to negotiate which two they receive.

If the PCs accept the offer it takes them one day to reach the castle ruins which stand beside the trade route. Not much remains on the surface except for broken stone blocks. After a few turns the characters discover stone stairs leading down a 5 foot wide corridor into the darkness (refer to the bottom left hand side of the map).

1 square = 5 feet.
DMs should note that all the rooms and walls are solid, having been cut into rocky bedrock, and that the doors, although relatively old are in very good condition with high quality locks. Doors that are locked are shown with a line cutting through (perpendicular) to the facing of the door. Breaking down the doors requires axes or hammers or heavy implements (not swords) that cause a total of 20 hp worth of damage. Secret Doors are opened by a trigger set flush into a wall or part of the floor. DMs should provide clues, like track marks, to help players find a least one secret door since the locations of the remaining doors follow the same pattern. All the occupants of the rooms are aware of these doors. There is no lighting in any of the rooms unless stated otherwise. Ceilings are between 7-8' high. DMs should be aware of the party's noise radius that will alert monsters on the other side of doorways.

Level 1

The Kobold King's Run

Room 13.

The door to this room is locked. PCs entering the room are confronted by a foul odour and are attacked by two Carrion Crawlers - one on the ground and the other clinging to the wall. If the entire party becomes paralysed they are 'rescued' by the Kobolds in Rooms 9 and 11 who tie up the characters and drag them before the 'Kobold King'. The Kobolds in this region have developed an immunity to the Crawler's paralysis - either naturally, or as the result of a wizard's experiment or wayward spell.

Carrion Crawlers (2)
AC: 3/7 HD: 3+1 hp: 19 and 22 THACO: 17 Attacks: 8 or 1 Damage: Tentacle Paralysis for 2d6 turns or 1d2 (bite) Size L 7' long Mv: 12 xp: 420

Room 9.

The ten Kobolds that occupy this room divide their time between playing dice games and foraging around the castle ruins. The PCs can see a number of crude straw mattresses, lots of small bones strewn everywhere and a clay urn (that is filled with salt.) Inside the urn is hidden a brass key that unlocks the door to the north.

If a battle occurs in the Carrion Crawler lair (Room 13) they wait until it is concluded before investigating. They will wait until they think PCs have moved on (3 turns of silence) before opening the secret door. If there is fighting in the King's Hall they immediately rush to the fight. The door to the north is locked while the corridor is covered in salt.

Kobolds (10)
AC: 7 HD: 1/2 hp: 3 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d4+1 (Poor Quality Short Sword) Alignment: LE Mv: 6 Size: S (3' tall) XP: 7
 Equipment: Poor Quality/Rusted Short Swords, Cloth Armour, wooden dice, small Knives (2), Slings (2), small rocks (20), brass key, 46cp/4sp total.
 *Infravision 60'.

Room 11.

This room is 'furnished' similarly to the other (Room 9) except that there is a large clay bowl filled with water and no clay urn filled with salt.

Like the Kobolds in Room 9 these creatures wait until any fighting has subsided in the Carrion Crawler room before investigating.* They will wait until they think the PCs have moved on (3 turns of silence) before opening the secret door.

The locked door to the north east is very strong, of (heavily rusted) iron construction, and cannot be broken down using ordinary weapons. The lock can either be picked or the door broken off its hinges using iron spikes, an action taking one turn and causes the mobilisation of all the Kobolds in the lair. *Note that the Kobolds in Room 14 will arrive two rounds after these creatures leave their post to see what has happened.

Kobolds (10)
AC: 7 HD: 1/2 hp: 3 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d4+1 (Poor Quality Short Sword) Alignment: LE Mv: 6 Size: S (3' tall) XP: 7
 Equipment: Poor Quality/Rusted Short Swords, Cloth Armour, wooden dice, small Knife (1), Sling (1), small rocks (4), 61cp total.
 *Infravision 60'.

Room 14.

These Kobolds mobilise two rounds after the Kobolds in Room 11 go to investigate any disturbance in the Carrion Crawler room and arrive either in battle, or to make up part of a large group of onlookers. This room is the same as room  11.

Kobolds (8)
AC: 7 HD: 1/2 hp: 3 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d4+1 (Poor Quality Short Sword) Alignment: LE Mv: 6 Size: S (3' tall) XP: 7
 Equipment: Poor Quality/Rusted Short Swords, Cloth Armour, wooden dice, small Knife (1), 4cp/1sp total.
 *Infravision 60'.

Room 7. Hall of the Kobold King

This room is furnished with mouldy cushions, many crude stools, straw, and the remains of broken furniture. There are two small half-sized barrels with dried fruit, a large clay bowl full of water, and a half emptied barrel of salt. Examination of the salt barrel reveals a purple ten-pointed star etched into the side (wizards will recognise this as a Wizard Mark). Numerous Kobold warriors inhabit the room.

A larger Kobold, 4 feet tall, sits atop a roughly cut throne made from a tree stump. If there is battle in Room 9 the monsters wait behind the secret door and do not attack - hoping that they will remain undiscovered. The larger Kobold, King Og, speaks the Common tongue. If given the chance he will attempt to negotiate with the PCs promising treasure - or demanding they swear service to save their lives if the PCs are paralysed - asking that the characters attack the undead (Ghouls), the lizard monsters (Troglodytes) and/or the plant monsters (Myconoids) inhabiting the adjoining rooms.

The door to the West is locked (the key is with one of the Kobolds). The outside corridor is covered in salt. If questioned about the salt the Kobolds refuse to answer. If charmed a Kobold, or King Og, will say it is to keep the slime beast, inhabiting the lower level, at bay. The door to the south is made of iron and is locked (see the Kobold King's items).

Kobold King Og
AC: 6 HD: 1+1 hp: 8 THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 (Short Sword) Alignment: CE Mv: 9 Size: S (4' tall) XP: 15
*Infravision 60'.
Equipment: Short Sword, Ring Mail Armour, Dagger, Iron Key.

Kobolds (15)
AC: 7 HD: 1/2 hp: 3 THACO: 20 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d4+1 (Poor Quality Short Sword) Alignment: LE Mv: 6 Size: S (3' tall) XP: 7
 Equipment: Poor Quality/Rusted Short Swords, Cloth Armour, wooden dice, brass key, small Knife (1), thin hemp rope 20' (used to tie up paralysed PCs), 185cp/12sp/2ep total.
 *Infravision 60'.

The Kobold King's Treasure (inside the throne found on inspection):

Gold statuette of a Lion worth 30gp, a silver Holy Symbol worth 5gp, coins 230cp/55sp/5gp/8pp.

Room 10.

This prison room is occupied by 2 Ghouls that have been locked in here since before the other monsters occupied the ruins.  All the doors are made of iron with the 'unlocked' one broken off the wall due to constant battering over the years. Presently the monsters have given up on the doors and are using their newly acquired Rusted Short Swords to tunnel into the wall towards Room 8. They are halfway there. On the floor are the crushed bones of 3 Kobolds that entered from Room 7.

Ghouls (2)
AC: 6 HD: 2 hp: 12/14 THACO: 19 Attacks: 3 Damage: 1d3/1d3 (Claws+Paralysis) + 1d6 (Bite) Mv: 9 S 6' tall Alignment: CE xp: 175
*Paralysis lasts 2+1d6 rounds
*Immune to Sleep and Charm

Lair of the 'Lizard Men'

If the PCs are progressing easily through this part of the Dungeon the Dungeon Master should introduce the unexpected arrival of a mixed patrol of Troglodytes and Bullywugs, perhaps just after they defeat the Killer Moths, hitting the party from the rear. Note that, although the Bullywugs do not have infravision their keen eyesight allows them to see well enough in pitch darkness out to about 10 feet.

Mixed Patrol - ten monsters in total (a not so random encounter)

Savage Troglodytes (5)
AC: 5 HD: 2 hp: 15 THACO: 19 Attacks: 3 Damage: 1d2/1d2 (Claws) + 1d4+1 (Bite) Mv: 6 Alignment: CE Size: M xp: 120
*Infravision 90'
*Secrete smell while in combat SA vs poison or lose 1d6 Str.
*Chameleon Power to blend into shadows and background for 90% concealment.

Bullywugs (5)
AC: 6 HD: 1 hp: 8 THACO: 19 (18) Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 (Stone tipped spear, two handed grip) Mv: 3 Alignment: CE  Size: M 5' xp: 65
*Special Attack: Hop up to 30' for +1 to hit and double damage (2d6)
*Stone tip spears that cause damage must then roll 1d6, a 1 indicates breakage.

Room 15.

The door leading into this room has a broken lock so it cannot be properly sealed. There are three stone blocks in the otherwise bare room that have been used as chairs. Inside, standing guard are three Savage Troglodytes. The Trogs here are part of a mixed warband that include Bullywugs. If these normally grey-green coloured monsters are alerted by noisy characters they blend into the walls using their Chameleon Power - surprising the party when they enter the room. Trogs from Room 16 will join the fight at the start of the third round of combat after unlocking the door.

Savage Troglodytes (3)
AC: 5 HD: 2 hp: 15 THACO: 19 Attacks: 3 Damage: 1d2/1d2 (Claws) + 1d4+1 (Bite) Mv: 6 Alignment: CE Size: M xp: 120
*Infravision 90'
*Secrete smell while in combat SA vs poison or lose 1d6 Str.
*Chameleon Power to blend into shadows and background for 90% concealment.

Room 16.

The door to this room is locked. Inside there are furnishings that include a number of old stools, a round table and a broken chest (with nothing in it). Various animal bones litter the floor. On the table is a brass key that opens the door to Room 15. To the north are two secret doors. The monsters here rush to the aid of their brethren if they hear the sounds of combat, joining the battle in the 3rd round.

Savage Troglodytes (4)
AC: 5 HD: 2 hp: 15 THACO: 19 Attacks: 3 Damage: 1d2/1d2 (Claws) + 1d4+1 (Bite) Mv: 6 Alignment: CE Size: M xp: 120
*Infravision 90'
*Secrete smell while in combat SA vs poison or lose 1d6 Str.
*Chameleon Power to blend into shadows and background for 90% concealment.

Room 16. Long Corridor

The corridor here is bare and long. The Geletanious Cube that blocks the passage appears almost invisible and is encountered at the halfway point. PCs must roll for surprise with a -3 penalty when the cube first attacks.

Geletanious Cube
AC: 8 HD: 4 hp: 35 THACO: 17 Attacks: 1 Damage: Paralysation 5d4rds + Digestion 2d4 per round  Mv: 6 Alignment: N Size: L 5x8' xp: 650
*Electricity, Fear, Hold, Paralyzation, Polymorph, and Sleep-based attacks have no effect. Fire and blows from weapons have normal effects. If a cube fails its saving throw against a cold-based attack, the cube will be slowed 50% and inflicts only 1d4 points of damage

Room 6.

This is simply a Zombie storage room left over from the previous occupants of the dungeon. They will move to attack the PCs automatically losing initiative.

Zombies (6)
AC: 8 HD: 2 hp: 14 THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d8 (Fists) Alignment: N(E) Size: M xp: 65
*Immune to sleep, charm, hold, death magic, poisons, and cold-based spells.
Holy water inflicts 4d4 per vial (ver 2.6 rules).

Room 12.

The west wall of this room features 3 large iron cauldrons stacked inside of each other. There are three smaller buckets upturned on the floor (used as chairs). Near the locked door to the north are a bundle of torches (4), plus one (1) that is half burnt plus two flasks of oil and a flint and steel. If alerted the frog-like Bullywugs wait for PCs to open a door before using their hop attack. If there is fighting in Room 16 the Bullywugs will wait behind the secret door hoping that they will remain undiscovered. One of the humanoids has a brass key that opens the locked door.

Bullywugs (3)
AC: 6 HD: 1 hp: 8 THACO: 19 (18) Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 (Stone tipped spear, two handed grip) Mv: 3 Alignment: CE  Size: M 5' xp: 65
*Special Attack: Hop up to 30' for +1 to hit and double damage (2d6)
*Stone tip spears that cause damage must then roll 1d6, a 1 indicates breakage.

Room 8.

The doors to this room are locked. Upon entering, the characters, unless they are brandishing flaming torches, are attacked by four Killer Moths that fly down out of a large crevasse in the ceiling. This thin crevasse leads to the surface. These monsters lash out using a barbed proboscis that breaks the skin to scoop up flesh and blood. The floor of this room contains smashed bits of broken furniture, but none of it large enough to pose a problem for the characters.

Killer Moths (4)
AC: 7 HD: 2 hp: 12 THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d4 (barbed proboscis) Mv: Fl 18(C) or 3 Alignment: N Size: M (5' wingspan)  xp: 60
*Unable to fly at half hit points.
*Fire keeps them at bay.

Room 5.

This room is furnished with old chairs and two small round tables. Upon one table are two half burnt torches, a flask of oil, a flint and steel, plus a brass key (that opens the door to the south east- there is no key to the locked door to the north). The Bullywugs here wrestle each other to kill time or sleep on the floor. If the PCs fight the Killer Moths in Room 8 the monsters will prepare themselves. If the DM introduces the Mixed Patrol at this point, directly after the Killer Moths are defeated, the monsters here will unlock the door and enter the battle at the start of the 2nd round of combat. If the PCs engage in battle with the Bullywugs within this room, then the remaining humanoids in Room 3, including the leader, join the battle at the start of the 3rd round.

Bullywugs (6)
AC: 6 HD: 1 hp: 8 THACO: 19 (18) Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 (Stone tipped spear, two handed grip) Mv: 3 Alignment: CE  Size: M 5' xp: 65
*Special Attack: Hop up to 30' for +1 to hit and double damage (2d6)
*Stone tip spears that cause damage must then roll 1d6, a 1 indicates breakage.

Room 3.

This room has a bench along the west wall, a round wooden table in the south covered with a set of armour, and a large iron cauldron in the north east filled with water. On the bench are the carcasses of four goats. Also present is a large knife. On the floor to the south is a Dwarf dressed in undergarments, seemingly tied up (with torn strips of cloth). If fighting against the 'lizard men' section of the dungeon initially breaks out here, the other Bullywugs will join the battle at the end of the second round.

The Bullywug leader Ooaad is exceptionally strong and rules by brute force. He does not speak the common tongue of the humans in this area and will not negotiate with them believing that all encounters are kill or be killed scenarios. He knows of the deadly spiders in Room 1, that killed one of his warriors, and has decided not to venture any further into the Dungeon.

Bullywug Leader (1) Ooaad
AC: 6 HD: 2 hp: 19 THACO: 18 (17) Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6+3 (Stone tipped spear, two handed grip, Str) Mv: 3 Alignment: CE  Size: M 6' xp: 100
*Special Attack: Hop up to 30' for +1 to hit and double damage (2d6)
*Stone tip spears that cause damage must then roll 1d6, a 1 indicates breakage.

Bullywugs (5)
AC: 6 HD: 1 hp: 8 THACO: 19 (18) Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6 (Stone tipped spear, two handed grip) Mv: 3 Alignment: CE  Size: M 5' xp: 65
*Special Attack: Hop up to 30' for +1 to hit and double damage (2d6)
*Stone tip spears that cause damage must then roll 1d6, a 1 indicates breakage.

Tagrim 4th level Dwarven Fighter
Str 14 Int 12 Wis 15 Dex 10 Con 17 Cha 12
AC: 10 (tied up in underclothes) or AC: -1 (Platemail, Shield+2, Shield Specialist) or 3 (when using shield punch) HD: 4 hp: 5/42  (Con 17) THACO: 16, 17 Attacks: 1 or 2 Damage: 1d8+3 (Battle Axe, Str), 1d3+1 (Shield, Str) Mv: 6 Alignment: LG Size M: 4-1/2' tall
*Partial Weapon Specialisation +1 to hit, +2 Damage but not specialised attacks per round.
*Shield Specialist, +1 defensive bonus. No penalty to shield punch attack roll.
*+2 to Saves versus physical attacks from the front (due to the magical shield bonus) ie Acid saves are made on a roll of 14 not 16.
Equipment: Plate Mail, Medium Shield+2, Battle Axe, Silver Dagger, Holy Symbol, Holy Water (2), garlic, waterskin, leather satchel, 12cp/4sp/5gp.

Tagrim became separated from his Dwarven Patrol after battling a large band of Orcs and was subsequently ambushed by a group of camouflaged Troglodytes that took him prisoner via overbearing tactics. If rescued and healed he will fight with the PCs in all the subsequent encounters. Against low level opponents he will employ the shield punch. If the party faces the Giant Slug, Tagrim, guessing that the characters who saved his life face almost certain death, will place himself towards the front allowing the monster to target him whilst the others attack from the sides. During the battle he will call out to be healed as much as possible and rotate the front position with the strongest fighter. He plans on travelling with the party all the way back to town eventually returning to his Dwarven stronghold when the opportunity presents itself.

The Remaining Rooms

Room 1.

The entire room here is covered from floor to ceiling with thick spiderwebs. On the ground near the door to the south east is the shrivelled corpse of a Bullywug, a stone tipped spear lying nearby.

Characters crossing this room are attacked by two Large Spiders that drop on them from hidden locations in the web. The webs themselves are thick and burn slowly. Using a torch a PC must physically touch the webs to cause them to retreat. There is no key to the locked door to the south. Note: Characters engaged in combat must roll vs dexterity each round to avoid getting a body part entangled in the webs. Roll 1d4 to determine the extremity caught including the weapon arm. Breaking free takes one round per point of strength below 18 ie a strength of 15 takes 3 rounds. Scores greater than 18 strength take 1 round to break free.

Large Spiders (2)
AC: 8 HD: 1+1 hp: 9 THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1 (Bite + Poison*) Mv: 6 Wb: 15 Size: S 2' xp: 175
*Save versus Poison 0/15

Room 2.

This room features piles of rotting tapestries, broken furniture and clothing. As soon as the party enters they are attacked by numerous Fire Beetles (that do not have any fire based attacks). They glow faintly red from glands near their heads and lower body.

Fire Beetles (12)
AC: 4 HD: 1+2 hp:10 THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 Damage: 3d4 (Huge Mandibles) Mv: 12 Size: S 2-1/2' long xp: 35
*Cutting the light glands from these creatures provides light in a 10' radius for 1d6 days.

Room 4.

Inhabiting this room are six 4' tall 'mushroom men' and a larger one that is 6' tall. They face the PC's direction with raised fists as they enter - but don't initiate combat. [DMs should ask the party what they intend to do.] Along the west wall are a number of wooden buckets and a large open barrel. The body of a Kobold lies next to the south door (which is closed and has a broken lock). The large barrel is half filled with salt. Closer inspection reveals a purple ten-pointed star etched on to the side (wizards will recognise this as a Wizard Mark).

The Myconids do not immediately attack. They're trapped here thanks to the Kobolds to the south, who keep their doors locked (outside the salt filled corridor). The Myconids have not ventured past the locked door to the north either, which they think conceals more Kobolds. The Myconid leader is telepathic but must fire off spores, directed at one character to communicate. If the PCs do not immediately attack the leader shoots a cloud of spores from its mouth at the nearest character (SA vs. poison). If the save fails in 1d2 rounds communication is established. The character 'hears' the words "We mean no harm. We are trapped".

Myconid Leader
AC: 10 HD: 3 hp: 26 THACO: 17 Attacks: 1 Damage: 3d4 (fist) Mv: 9 Alignment: LN Size: M 6' tall xp: 175
*Telepathic spores. Range: 40' Duration: 3 turns.

Myconids (6)
AC: 10 HD: 2 hp: 16  THACO: 19 Attacks: 1 Damage: 2d4 (fist) Mv: 9 Alignment: LN Size: S 4' tall xp:120

If communication is established the Myconid leader explains that the telepathic link will only last a short time. He tells the character that they were part of a work crew tasked with exploring the upper reaches of the underground tunnel system and they stumbled into an area inhabited by a huge slimy acid spitting creature - that the PC understands was a huge slug. Two of the work party were killed, and presumably eaten. In their retreat they ran into a large room, whereupon they spied a salt covered stairway, which led to an unlocked door and this smaller room. The Myconid tells the PC that whilst trying to defend themselves, the slug seemed invulnerable to their attacks, their fists literally bouncing off the slimy body. They seek to return to their realm, and are preparing themselves to take on the slimy monster one last time. They would be grateful for any help offered by the characters, who are obviously warriors, even if to distract the beast so that they can make an escape back into the tunnel system.

Level 2

The east door to Room 4 is unlocked. Opening the door the PCs see a salt covered landing and stone stairs leading downwards likewise covered in salt.

The stairs lead to an archway that opens to the top of a large 70'x100' stone cut room. Although there is a mist, the characters can see to the far end if they have light. What they cannot see is any detail, and the 5' hole in the darkness of the far wall.

Once the party enters the room, or an individual crosses the halfway point, the walls start shaking and the head of the slug squeezes out of the 5' hole, spitting acid at the nearest foe (this first shot has only 10% change of hitting). Initiative should then be rolled. The slug fully emerges at the end of the first round of combat extending itself to almost half the length of the room. 

Giant Slug
AC: 8 HD: 12 hp: 120 THACO: 9 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d12 (Bite) or Acid spit (4d8) Alignment: N Mv: 6 Size: H 40' long xp: 5000
*Immune to blunt weapons.
*Spits Acid for 4d8 (SA vs breath weapon for 1/2 damage). First shot has only 10%chance to hit. Subsequent shots are 90% at 10 foot distance, -10% every ten foot distance. At 30 feet the chance to hit is 60%. Missed acid shots fall at a 10 foot distance at a random (1d12) location.
*Can squeeze through narrow doorways or passages.

Tactics: The Giant Slug has a strong dislike for salt, which causes 1d12 points of damage per bucket to the creature, or 1d6 from any thick coating placed on the ground - plus it slows the monster to half movement rate. However, the natural slime generating abilities of this creature will cause the salt to be shed rapidly as it moves. If the PCs take cover behind a salt barrier and damage the beast it becomes enraged after the first round and charges forward regardless of the consequences. Any damage-causing attacks upon the monster enrage it. If the Dwarf Tagrim is with the party and the Slug spits acid he urges them to rush forward and surround the creature while he distracts it with powerful attacks to the front (realising that the party could be picked off at range and their only hope is to overwhelm this beastly opponent).


If the PCs were captured by the Kobolds, acted on their behalf, and then return to King Og's lair, he thanks them and then tells the party they have a reward. At this time a door is opened and the surviving Carrion Crawler(s) are released into the room. The Kobolds have immunity to the paralysis. All the Kobolds join in on the attack at this point.

When the PCs make it back to the town the Merchant's Guild, through their agent Fakrim the scribe, pay a total of 200 gold and offer one Wizard and one Priest scroll from their small selection. The DM should plan a choice of items that is wanted by the party - perhaps second and third level spells.

PCs that complete this adventure receive a bonus of 300 experience points each.


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